Lighter weight deployments
Can mix usage different programming languages
Many repositories
Poor knowledge sharing
Understanding orchestration across multiple services/repositories is difficult, especially when thing are inconsistent
Exchanging ownership
Imagine all members of a team leaves, who manages ownership?
Each team needs to know devops (to a certain extent)
Service Discovery
Event Bus
Good for:
Services that can't exist in a FaaS environment
AWS Lambda Limitations
Execution time. AWS has a limit of 15 minutes
Storage space
Uploads of 50mb zip
Migrating a serivce to a different programming language
Migrating bits and pieces
When should you use microservices?
A functionality or component that is bottlenecked
Would be easier to scale if it was separate
Reusable functionality across different services
Can exist as a library; or micro service
Isolate small piece of code for:
Improved quality
Predictable/different release cycles
When you want to create a black box
Reduce transparency
If it can exist as it’s own product
Things which can’t exist in a FaaS
When should you not use a microservice?
When you have a small team
Questions to ask:
When should you bundle a microservice?
When should you unbundle a microservice?
When should you break down a monolothic app into a microservice?
When does a microservice become a monolithic app?
If your goal is to keep it as a Single Responsiblity Principle
Why not just use a FaaS architecture?
Last updated
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