COVID 19/Corona Virus
Stay at Home Recommendations
Knowing this is long term, I've rearranged my furniture making it more comfortable to move around, preparing for long term
I've made my balcony more comfortable, I haven't spent as much time on it as I have now
Shipments from China take much longer now, this means online deliveries may take longer. If possibly can order locally
Order things knowing they may 1-2+ weeks to arrive
Prices for non essential has gone up. Nintendo Switches have increased in price in Malaysia
Great time to learn something! I've been learning DevOps, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, GoCD
Great time to learn cooking!
It's a great time to rearrange your house~
Exercise at home, lots of people doing online fitness exercises
Online delivery of food is fully booked for the week+
You’ll eat more, since there is nothing else to do
Boyfriends/husbands, don't know what grocery is what? These guide may help you out
There are a lot of learning resources available online for free now~That's all I remember for now, will share more as I remember
Wearing a mask
You should a mask only if you are sick.
The mask protects other people from yourself
It doesn't protect you from others
Unfortunately, requires sick people to wear the mask
Quarantine Games
Last updated
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