A company may have more than one monolith
A monolith means a big heavy app
Knowledge Sharing
Easier dependency management
Easier version management
Easier to track breakages across different projects
Easier to know what team is doing at a glance
Harder to split code ownership
Harder to define responsibilities
Monolithic codebases can easily become a mess
No strong conventions
Can be harder to deploy
Increased complexity on codebase
Harder to distinguish responsibility of the codebase
A single release cycle where all components are released togther
Only WWW is a monolithic app
When should you break down a monolithic app?
When should you unbundle a monolith?
David R. Maclver: Why you should use a single repository for all your company’s projects
It is impossible for your code to get out of sync with itself
Any change can be considered and reviewed as a single atomic unit
Refactoring to modularity becomes cheap
Last updated
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