New vs Old
Doing something new
Requires being in a state of mind for openness
Requires mental capacity to explore new things
Requires being mindful
Requires patience, can be frustrating with a different and new set of expectations
Staying at the edge of new requires perseverance, discipline, and faith
No guidance at the edge of new
No documentation
No other experience to learn from
No guides, no mentors
Uncharted territory
Exploring uncharted territories is itself a skill
Staying at the edge of everything new can thin you out
Can provide more leverage
Provides variety
Potentially high reward (at the cons of high risk)
Can be frustrating, requires patience
High risk (at the pros of a potentially high reward)
Doing something old
Requires practice, routine, familiarity
Provides comparison when doing new things
Provides wisdom when handling uncertainty
Familiar set of expectations
Can develop deep skills
Can ground, anchor, and center you
Low risk (at the cons of low reward)
Safe bets
Familiar, don't have to learn anything new
Can be mindless and rely on old habits and routines
Can hold you back
Low reward (at the pros of low risk)
Can leave you complacent and lazy
Last updated